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Bounce Back BIG and live your greatest life!
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Unsinkable - The Secret To Bouncing Back
The most inspirational movie I've ever seen that truly helps people
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Who is Sonia Ricotti?

Who is Sonia Ricotti?

Hi, I’m Sonia Ricotti and I’m the world’s leading “Bounce Back” expert. I’m also a #1 bestselling author of 2 books, Unsinkable: How to Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down, and The Law of Attraction Plain and Simple.

I have taught millions of people around the globe how to turn their lives around quickly and live their greatest lives through my Unsinkable programs, movie, workshops, webclasses, videos, trainings, and books.

Although I live a dream life today, it wasn’t always like that for me.

In fact, at one point in my life, I was $124,000 in debt, lost my home due to foreclosure, my partner in life was an alcoholic (and the relationship ended in great heartbreak) and I even experienced serious health issues (a blood clot)—and it all happened at the same time!

I have since turned things around in a BIG and dramatic way—and I did it QUICKLY!

I discovered the “Unsinkable” formula that really works.

I have since made it my mission to help people everywhere around the world to turn their lives around quickly and achieve great success, inner peace, happiness and the life they absolutely love and deserve.

I did it…and so can YOU!

No more guessing or “hoping” to turn things around. I will show you exactly how to do it!

Sonia Ricotti

surrender to what is
Unsinkable - The Secret To Bouncing Back
Unsinkable - The Secret To Bouncing Back